Wednesday, May 23, 2012

7 Tips On How to Make Choices

7 Tips On How to Make Choices
Olga Hermans

1. Realize That You Have a Free Will
Many times people think that circumstances determine the direction of their life, but that is not so true. Have you ever thought about how those circumstances were created in your life? It is how we respond to the things that happen in our life that has a much greater impact and sets us up for the good or for the bad.
One thing that is given to all of us is a free will; we have to exercise that aspect of our life. If we don’t, impulses take over and fear and anxiety will develop our habits and habits develop our character and character develops our destiny. We are able to choose to act in a different way or at least learn to act differently and make choices toward life, love, peace and be filled with joy.
2. Realize That It Is You Who Has To Take Action
Make a decision and connect with that decision as much as possible. You can do that by writing things down. And then the most important part is to choose to take action. Not taking action is also a choice. You don’t have to do anything. Every action or non-action has consequences. Exercising our will gives you the power and the freedom to choose where we are in life and what we will do. That is when life changes from an obligation to a blessed opportunity.
3. Realize That You Can Take The Path of Life.
When we are influenced by outside forces, we might make the decision to give in and take the path of least resistance. If we go for immediate gratification we usually end up in mediocre conditions and we feel less fulfilled than that we had hoped for. Every choice that we make leads us either away from our destiny or right into our destiny where we will experience life to the fullest.
You determine what you are going to do. Don’t let another man’s weakness determine what you’re going to do. That can mess up your life and steer you off course in life.
4. Realize That Your Commitment is Very Important.
Commitment to yourself is very important; if you don’t care for yourself, you betray yourself and in the long run even punish yourself. You have to be able to commit yourself to make good choices, whatever it takes. Don’t let your impulses just run wild and make you a slave to yourself. Only when you have sufficient self-worth to choose whether to end something of value to you, you can fully commit to it.
Only when you learn to commit to yourself will you stop your self-sabotaging behaviour. Unless you realize you have the power to say no, you can never really say yes. Not to your relationships, not to your work, not to your life, not to anything.  If you realize what it means to say no to something, you also will realize what it means to say yes to something.
5. Realize that your choices affect the world around you.
So, look further. Your family will be influenced by big choices and sometimes also smaller choices. Take that in consideration. Remember: good choices will bring good things and bad choices will bring not such good things.
Steve D’Annunzio says it this way: “Fear-driven people constantly fight, desire-driven people constantly want, pride-driven people constantly manipulate, mission-driven people constantly learn and teach, love-driven people constantly serve and enlighten…it’s always your/my choice” – What drives you?
6. Realize that when you make choices for others you have to be careful.
Your intention can be good, but assuming too much responsibility for others deprives them of the lessons that arise from the choices they have made. People like your input, but nobody wants their life to be ruled by others. Remember, we have been given a free will.
7. Realize that you have the power to change your destiny.
I don’t have to know you to know that God has created a part for you on earth, it is a part that only you can play, a suit/or dress that only you can fit and a divine destiny that only you can fulfill.
Forget about trying to fit someone else’s mould. Keep your thoughts and emotions free of those kinds of obstacles by accepting yourself and the unique destiny that God has pre-ordained for you!
Use your emotions for the purpose God gave them, and don’t let the devil use them for his purpose. Embrace life with passion and use your emotions wisely. God wants to use them to help you enjoy your life, but the devil wants to use them to prevent you from enjoying life. The good news is the choice is up to you.

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